Friday, May 18, 2007

Trying to Keep up

In preparation for my quickly approaching marriage, I moved back to the suburban city that I grew up in. This, of course, puts Jamal and I at a huge disadvantage as far as spending time is concerned. Instead of running or driving a mile to his house, I will have to drive 40 minutes just to get there (if traffic is light). There's been so much chaos surrounding the move and the wedding preparations that I haven't seen him in about three weeks. He calls me weekly to ask if we can go somewhere and I feel terrible when I have to give him the same answer. I can tell that he's extremely bored, and I have no doubts that he's probably already called everyone on his grandmother's pre-approved visitation list before he gets to me each week. But it's still encouraging to know that he'll come to me for that sort of thing.
Since I can't visit, I've just settled for phone conversations, discussing school, his grandmother, cartoons, and inevitably, video games (it's the only topic that seems to get him interested on the phone). As of right now, I plan to bring him to the wedding. My father volunteered to transport and keep track of him while I take care of the final details and recite my vows. Hopefully, our wedding will be something that he remembers for a long time, and he will grow towards seeing marriage as positive and a normal thing to do.

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